Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This Can't Be Right....

I don't think I'm doing this whole law school thing right.

I read for the entire week this past weekend, about 4 hours on Sunday, 4 hours on Monday. That was enough time to read and brief for the whole coming week and go back over and outline last week's notes. Now...well, I did nothing law related last night (ok, so actually I re-wrote my Con Law notes into outline format, mainly because I felt guilty for not having anything else to do.) I have a 2 hour break before a meeting I need to go to today, and I don't know what I am supposed to be doing. What is everyone else doing? Am I missing something?

Being idle scares me.

As a side note, I spied Mr. Longhorn Law when I was leaving Property today. I briefly considered introducing myself, then after considering the implicit geekiness and awkwardness of that transaction, I opted against it.



At 2:30 PM, September 06, 2006, Blogger Heather said...

I'm with you . . . I'm worried I'm doing something wrong because I feel like I'm "getting" everything, but am only spending a few hours each day (and very little, if any, on the weekend) doing homework. Everyone else seems to be spending soooo much time on it!

At 7:05 AM, September 07, 2006, Blogger Hawk McGee said...

If you find it easy, that's great. Enjoy it. But remember a couple of things:
1) it ain't rocket science.
2) there's a slight chance that the material will get a bit trickier after the first introductory classes, but really, in some classes, it just won't (See above).

I like knowing who the other bloggers are, though I don't necessarily like them knowing who I am. 'cuz my posts are lame. So I found it a bit disconcerting when Ruth tracked me down and gave me the 'alternative interrogation' to make me confess to my alter ego.

At 9:07 AM, September 07, 2006, Blogger Ex.Coll. said...

I only know who a couple of other bloggers are but only because I am the worst detective imaginable. I think most of the people who read my blog know who I am, but my attempts at being anonymous were half-assed at best.

I do know that I've never met Ruth (at least not knowingly).

At 3:55 PM, September 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, those people who either look like they're studying all the time or claim to be are either total liars, or totally inefficient. Either way, you win. Already sounds like you're doing way more than I ever did in law school and I thought I was anal.


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