Monday, January 29, 2007


Observing the random vandalism carved and written on desks and other school property throughout my education has always been a favorite activity of mine. At my high school, myself and my group of friends often found it humorous to carve "[Celebrity who went to my high school] was here" into the cafeteria trays in hopes of tricking the freshman into believing that she had, in fact, partaken of cafeteria food off of that same exact tray. Because in jr. high and high school, that's hilarious.

But in Tarleton, where the average age of the people at the study carrels has to be at least around 26 or so, I've always wondered what would convince someone of the need to write "Poop" or "I heart so-and-so" on the desks. (Both of those scribblings are on the wall of the carrel I'm at right now.) I mean, for that idea to seem like a really good idea to a highly-educated mature adult must mean that some of our classmates are really losing it in the library. Either that, or perhaps they are just regressing to their childhoods in response to the immense trauma of being in law school in the first place. Your guess is as good as mine.



At 11:30 AM, January 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Law school makes most people act like idiots, so it's possible that law students are responsible, but lots of undergraduate students seem to think that the law library is a good place to study, too.

At 8:09 PM, January 29, 2007, Blogger Hawk McGee said...

I'm betting on a law student, though, for the picture of the little guy with the huge phallus in that 5th Floor carrel.

At 9:13 PM, January 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that one was done by a law professor.

At 10:02 PM, January 29, 2007, Blogger angela said...

I'll go with regressing into their childhoods because law school is like [junior] high school.

At 4:29 AM, January 30, 2007, Blogger Butterflyfish said...

We get very few undergrads in our lawbrary, and my carrel yesterday had "I heart so and so" and then "you're a tool" and then "you're both tools" written in ink.

Law students.


At 5:59 PM, January 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you a ho?

At 5:08 AM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I have seen some particularly interesting ones in the bathroom right off the lounge. All are written in tiny text in the grout between the wall tiles, all are plays on the word grout. Like: The Grout Gatsby, Grout Vibrations, etc.

The more pertinent question is: will I find such ruminations in a law firm crapper?


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